some folks have a hard time accepting the reality of the August 7th
election results. There have been calls for boycotts of businesses who
committed the crime of allowing a yard sign asking voters to vote no on the
three tax increases soundly defeated by the voters.
We contacted
three businesses known to have been targeted by some for this vigilante style
of justice. The results are not surprising. It is also not surprising to note
that no one has officially called for a boycott.
through the wonders of social media, the word was sent out. This call to arms
by internet trolls should be ignored.
to hurt small business owners by boycotting their services and products makes a
much sense as biting the hand that feeds you.
By the
way, two of the businesses said they had not noticed an increase of decrease of
commerce at their locations because of a boycott. A third business, Doughboys,
located at 63rd Street and Woodson Road, has actually noted a sharp
up-tick in business.
all accounts we have heard, the boycott is about as successful as the campaigns
for the three tax increases!
Tony Jacob is a well known activist in
Raytown political circles. He holds very strong beliefs in the need for transparency
in the running of government. He has also proven to be very adept at recovering
public information from through the use of the Missouri Sunshine Law and the
Federal Freedom of Information Act.
He has placed the information on a website
for the public to view. To access the site, USE THIS LINK . . . REAL RAYTOWN
There is a lot to see. Our favorites
were what we have re-named OPM (other people’s mail) and a column he titled “Truth
Watch”. All of it makes for some interesting reading.
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
Ward 5 Alderman Bonnaye Mims has been
active in politics for most of her life. She has served her community as a
Democratic Committeewoman, a State Representative, President of the Hickman
Mills School Board (the first woman to be attain the honor ), a Raytown
Alderman (the first person of her race to be elected) and, she has over 20
years of service as Election Judge for the Jackson County Board of Election
Which brings us to a little drama that played
out at the voting poll located at Connections Church (formerly known as the
First Baptist Church of Raytown).
City Collector Cathy Schutte made quite
a fuss when she learned that Mims had been working at the polls as an Election
This prompted a call to the Jackson
County Board of Election Commissioners who informed Raytown officials that Mims
is a qualified Election Judge. The Election Board spokesman also explained that Mims was not working in her home
precinct or ward. In other words, they had been completely vetted for the job
she was doing.
The assurances must not have been enough
for Ms. Schutte. Because even after the election was over she was still telling
people how Mims should not have been campaigning at the poll.
Keep in mind, Mims was not “campaigning”
at the poll. She was paid by the Election Board to serve as an election judge.
Which begs the question, why is Schutte
spinning these little stories when she knows better? It is a good question. If she brings it
up, be sure to ask her.
![]() |
The Paul
Livius Report
Livius Report
Board of Aldermen Meeting – August 14, 2018
Phyllis Goforth told the Board the Raytown Main Street Association is
preparing for the annual BBQ. Also, it
is time to sign up for the Police Academy.
Tony Jacobs said he wants the Board to ask for a State audit. He also wants the Board to place a resolution
on the April ballot to make Raytown a 3rd class city.
The Board approved the appointment of Brian Morris to the Raytown Park Board.
The Board passed a resolution approving the acceptance of a Raytown Volunteers
in Police Service grant in the amount of $7,000.On July 17, 2018, the Board of
Aldermen approved the Raytown Police Department’s submission of a grant
application to Raytown Volunteers in Police Service for the 2017-2018 Fiscal
Year. The purpose of the grant is to support the Raytown Police Department’s
public education and community support programs. Subject to Board of Aldermen
approval, the Raytown Police Department may be reimbursed $7,000.00 in Fiscal
Year 2017-2018. Eligible reimbursable expenses include but are not limited to
approved overtime assignments, purchase of any new supplies, materials,
equipment and contracting for printing or other services necessary to operate
programs such as, Citizen’s Police Academy, Safety Fairs, Coffee-With-A-Cop,
Community Forums and community requests for public speaking events by members
of the Police Department. There is no match required by the City for this
grant. The reimbursement process is the following:
1. The Police Department and Finance Department jointly submit a
request for reimbursement to the Board of Directors for Raytown Volunteers in
Police Service (RVIPS)
2. The Board of Directors for RVIPS will consider approval of the
request from Raytown Police Department.
3. Once the request is approved by RVIPS, RVIPS will notify Truman
Heartland Community Foundation* to remit a check payable to the City of Raytown
for deposit in Raytown Police Department’s grant account.
*Neither Truman Heartland Community Foundation nor Raytown Community
Foundation participate in the Raytown Volunteers in Police Service grant
evaluation process. Truman Heartland Community Foundation confirms the granting
of funds complies with the IRS 501(c) rules and regulations. At the Board of
Aldermen meeting on July 17, 2018, Alderman Mims requested a legal review of
the proposed grant. Joe Willerth, City’s Legal Counsel, conducted a review of
the information provided to the Board of Aldermen and found nothing legally
inappropriate with the proposed grant or the use of 501 (c) 3 entity to receive
contributions to be granted to cities.
The Board passed a resolution approving an agreement with Duke’s Root Control.
Utilizing the Houston Galveston area cooperative contract in an amount not to
exceed $31,550.Staff contacted Duke’s Root Control to investigate the needed
repairs. Duke’s developed a cost estimate of $28,686.05 to do this work. This
cooperative contract is through the Houston-Galveston Area Cooperative. Staff
is recommending Board of Aldermen approval to be approximately 10% higher than
this estimate, to cover unforeseen circumstances and overruns that may arise
with this underground work. Ten percent is $2,868.61 and added to $28,686.05
approximately equals $31,550.00. Current year’s budget has a line item for
$25,000.00 in sanitary contractual services, and we will use $6,550.00 out of
sanitary repair and maintenance services.
The Board passed a resolution authorizing the city administrator to
enter into an agreement with Kenton Brothers Systems for security for the
purchase and installation of a video surveillance system for Colman-Livengood
park in an amount not to exceed $26,877.On July 16, 2018 the Park Board
approved a resolution to request approval of a budget amendment to transfer up
to $35,000 from expense appropriated for fiscal year 2017-18 from Elections to
Capital Expenditures Park Improvements. Parks staff sent an RFP for a security
camera system to three businesses listed on the Kansas City Regional Purchasing
Cooperative on July 23, 2018. Parks staff recommends accepting the proposal
from Kenton Brothers Inc. to purchase and install a video surveillance system
for Colman Park not to exceed $26,877.44, in order to witness and/or prevent
crimes happening in Colman Park that are affecting the safety of our citizens
and Park users.
I watched the Mayor’s comments at the last City Council meeting. Does he really think that calling people names and making accusations not based in fact(s) is really the best way to lead a city?
Mr. Mayor,
The people you called “nay sayers” was 70% of those who voted on the internet sales tax.
The people you called “nay sayers” was 68% of those who voted on the property tax increases.
The people you called “nay sayers” was 59% of those who voted on the gasoline sales tax.
Get out of the ever shrinking bubble you are living in and start listening to the people. If you do not you will surely be replaced by someone who does.
If Susan Vorbeck Brown has credentials to be involved in Raytown politics because she owns land and pays taxes, then anyone who buys something in Raytown and pays taxes should have the same political license of participation as Vorbeck.
Raytown has a real problem with vicious and mean protaxers and city hall sycophants. These nasty tax and spend groupies detest any comment from the loyal opposition or from those who in good faith could not vote to approve money to a proven wasteful government.
These protaxers and their ilk on Raytown Unhinged is the worst conclave of tax grifters West of the Mississippi.
The failure leadership at City Hall needs to be removed. There needs to be a clean sweep of the BOA next election. Not one of the Aldermen voted no to putting three NEW taxes on the ballot.
An alderman expressed his opinion. He claimed that he has been attacked online by a certain group on Facebook. More concerningly, he claimed that his family was attacked online by members of this "group". He claimed that the Facebook site enabled lies to propagate about him, his family and other members of the community.
"Demeaning...some by the administrators of this website...distasteful"
"...the group to be a detriment to our community..."
Yet the alderman chose to lend his support the applicant despite the applicant's close involvement with this Facebook group.
This man has an absolute right to express his opinion.
And he has the right to defend his family. We detected genuine concern when he spoke of them.
And the response from the organizer of this group?
Despite a recent pledge to clean up the "trash" on their Facebook group, this "admin" claimed that the alderman "...disgraced the dais...unprofessional rant..."
This alderman's comments were anything but a "rant". He demonstrated an extraordinary amount of restraint and forbearance. A great deal more tolerance than many of us would have been capable of, given what we've witnessed from that "group" in the last couple years.
And "...disgraced the dais...? What in the world does THAT mean?
Clearly, this "admin" has learned nothing from the events of the past few weeks.
Can't say that we're surprised.
I was at the meeting. I don’t think he was speaking of voters. I think he was speaking to people that were naysayers and such that continued on FB to slam one another and point fingers. Sounded to me like he was saying the Board needs to work together to figure out a solution for the future budget problems
Read this blog on comments and don’t get where anyone got that he was slamming voters.
I felt sorry for that alderman because he said he had been a target of the facebook page and the man being approved for the Park Board is an administrator of that page. After his comments, I would have respected him if he voted against the appointment. My sympathy immediately died when that alderman voted to approve the appointment. He showed he is a hypocrite.
@7:46 AM until the BOA is replaced you will continue to hear the song by another group of Talking Heads "Same As It Ever Was".
It is difficult, if not impossible to turn a social media site into a political force. To be a political force takes discipline and that is something that can never happen with social media platforms, as these groups tend to be unruly and loosely organized. Social media sites should be connection points for community members to receive information about news and events. All Raytown social media sites need greater moderation and a general toning down of vitriol. This is the first step to getting everybody to work together.
I would buy your explanation if the Mayor had specified he was speaking of Facebook. But he did not. And, quite honestly, it would be way out of character for him to condemn anything on his main supporters page (out of town Susan). No. The mayor's comments are like a double barrel shotgun. He offers words of encouragement and a plea for working together until he pulls the trigger at the end. This is when he throws in a barbed comment. He did the night of the election when his comments were typical of a bad loser. He did at last Tuesday's meeting. He will do it again and again.
I was at the meeting. I don’t think he was speaking of voters. I think he was speaking to people that were naysayers and such that continued on FB to slam one another and point fingers. Sounded to me like he was saying the Board needs to work together to figure out a solution for the future budget problems
Read this blog on comments and don’t get where anyone got that he was slamming voters.
"I felt sorry for that alderman because he said he had been a target of the facebook page and the man being approved for the Park Board is an administrator of that page. After his comments, I would have respected him if he voted against the appointment. My sympathy immediately died when that alderman voted to approve the appointment. He showed he is a hypocrite."
Nope. Hypocritical how? VanBuskirk said what needed to be said and showed respect to the other parks board members by supporting their recommendation.
That applicant wouldn't have stood a chance with us either, but VanBuskirk obviously has his own "process", which is nothing but commendable.
"The mayor's comments are like a double barrel shotgun. He offers words of encouragement and a plea for working together until he pulls the trigger at the end. This is when he throws in a barbed comment. He did the night of the election when his comments were typical of a bad loser. He did at last Tuesday's meeting. He will do it again and again."
All this mayor is capable of is running off at the mouth, IOHO. We'd have a change of heart if he were even remotely capable of producing any workable,tangible ideas to improve the City's budgetary issues...instead of spending so much time on FACEBOOK.
"If Susan Vorbeck Brown has credentials to be involved in Raytown politics because she owns land and pays taxes, then anyone who buys something in Raytown and pays taxes should have the same political license of participation as Vorbeck."
Absolutely agree. Although "Susan Vorbeck Brown...credentials...Raytown politics..." used together in one sentence (given that Facebook page) is a little cringeworthy, IOHO.
This non-resident repeatedly lays claim to her tiny legal imprint in Raytown as well as the fact that she grew up here (didn't we all?).
Her "Raytown life experience" doesn't take precedence over everyone else's. Although her continual references may or may not be intentional on her part, at times it may make others feel that way because just not that many people ever bother to speak up. It's pretty much always only the usual suspects.
Point is, there are SO many citizens attached to this community with huge imprints and generations of history in Raytown. They don't spend their days online hawking about their "heritage". They're property owners and business owners. They're being drowned out at times by the voices of a super tiny inner-connected group that is increasingly being viewed as disingenuous.
As uncomfortable (and admittedly a little risky, because this is one tough crowd) as it may be, we need more citizens with solid investments in this community to take a chance and cut loose. They need to step forward and offer their opinions and solutions.
As an elected official you open yourself up for criticism both good and bad, truths and falsehoods. Comes with the job! When your wife goes above and beyond the role of an Alderman’s wife and actually fields calls and proceeds to discuss the issues the constituents called the Alderman for, she as well opens herself to criticism. And as we all know Social Media is the top vote getter for blowback. Speaking of the top vote getter maybe someone needs to remind said Alderman’s wife she wasn’t.
WOW, the attacks continue. What does it take for many to learn that these attacks doesn't help the people doing it or those on the receiving end. The voters was the final decision and they spoke in large numbers. What concerns me the voters used their power and their voice was loud and clear in the voting booth. Respect their decision and move on. To ALL elected officials, did you get the message?
Now as I've heard loud and clear, manage the city with what you have, quit taxing us for the many mistakes, not managing well and do your home work on expenditures verses income. The blame has many attached to it and it didn't start with this BOA, it has many years of coming to this point. Deal with it. You've got people in place that know struggles, budget and will work hard to get the jobs done. Stop hammering people, let them do their jobs that they were elected to do.
The Blaming of one another needs to stop.
I was just wondering. Is Vorbech the real Viper or an unwitting dupe of the Chamber, Mayor, Schutte, BOA, Citizens for So Called Progress, Raytown reaching for your pocketbook, vested interests or that squirrel that quotes the poet Yeats to justify Three NEW taxes at once?
Just skiing.
@ 10:35 am
Would be nice to see more participation, so far that has not happened. The voters have made it clear that they do not want tax increases to be a part of the solution for Raytown. There is nowhere else to go but to cut more from all departments and hope that revenues and business activity increases.
Site improvements! Cool beans!
What I would like is to be able to see the comments link on top of the article. Now we have to scroll down to the comments portion at the bottom of the article that I have already read.
Also it would be great to be able to sort the comments from newest to oldest. Same situation...have to scroll past comments I have already read to get to the new ones that I haven't seen yet.
Thank you for writing the article about Alderman Mims. I too have know this lady for many years and have from time to time worked with her as an election judge. Correction: I read Ms. Schutte's rant about her being a poll worker, really Schutte, get over yourself. You and your little group have dragged this woman over the goals ever since she got elected, I wonder why? She has accomplished more than any of you. Yep, you all have even talked about researching her, how about driving around her home. yes we know about that too.
Mims has been accused of using being a BOA as a stepping stone to seek higher office. This woman has achieved many positions than any on the board, even more than the person who loudly made the accusation. He got his nerve. A foot career doesn't even come close to her achievements.
In reading all of the rants about this woman let me ask the question, Schutte you are so fixated on Mims, is it jealously, wanting to tear her down (in your mind), because alot of your comments are racists in content? Really, what is it?
Well I want to make a comment about Mims, she has and will help anyone in need. I experienced her help first hand with my mom. As she says, "I'm and Public Servant." She don't just work in her Ward, she's every where and you don't hear about it. I wonder why? Is it that she respects the constituents privacy. I over heard someone repeat a conversation had with another alderman who told them, "do you know Bonnaye Mims, call her she knows everybody in City Hall", talking about Kansas City. He surely didn't help. He sent them to ask her for help.
The Unhinged group that was formed by our mayor needs to stop these folks. You've called her nasty names, then when called out, hide behind,your low life leaders. We are tired of being embarrassed. This woman stands true to serving us all.
I will say this, keep coming after her, just like the votes on the taxes, people are watching, listening and when her term comes up again, the voters will speak again.
".... alderman's wife actually fields calls and proceeds to discuss the issues the constituents called the Alderman for, she as well opens herself to criticism...."
Substantiate this, please. And does she have an online social media presence where we may review her comments?
(Thanks. I didn't think so.)
As a citizen of this community, Mrs. VanBuskirk is entitled to express her views with whomever she wishes and at any time. Her involvement is welcomed.
I too serve as an election judge and am proud to say to JCEB, you have a jewel. This woman can and has worked in many capacities. She has worked at many sites, worked with many of us. She is very professional, looks professional and I might add, smells awesome, lol!
Her record as an election official goes back to 1971, I should know, I was there when Mr. Standifer recruited her. A choice I am proud to say. She worked under many directors and trainers. She started from the office to serving out in the field. Mims entire life has always been helping others.
Now I the one that will say, she knows her rights, have practice and served helping with others civil rights. People some of these social media comments, tactics, can be very costly.
Correction 8/18 11:32pm
One alderman pointed out her concerns about the three taxes being put before the BOA (check the video). She voiced her concerns and said they should wait until 2019. She wasn't going to make this decision for the people. Steve Meyers immediately came on the attack about her using this as a platform to further her political career. This person later came back and reluctantly put the motion on the floor to put this matter on the ballot before the voters. Boy, was she brave. After doing this go read the attacks ever since this meeting.
Enough is enough, from the mayor on down have talked about her behind her back then smile in her face.
Tell me where's the trust, now you want her to work with you idiots.
Well guess who heard her, the voters.
Look at everyone that has attacked Mims. Look at them then her.
I'm just saying.
The mayor attacking the voices of the people. What a leader. Since they accuse Mims for furthering her political career,
Tony Jacobs have been ridiculed, talked about, dragged through being called an idiot, by the RPD and his ex-father-in-law. Yes let's stop dancing around the truth. After what ya did to Tony, then you ran and hid behind the City's attorney's.
The more you all have insulted Tony, the more he has researched and found all of your dirt and dirty laundry. Tony we hear you, loud and clear.
Tony, thank you for withstanding the hell and being true to yourself. A man of honor. There are many people out here Tony that believes in you. Your the Man!!!
8/19/2018 9:04am
To your post - FB? how about the bars. Let's not get started. To keep people from seeing his displays of behaviors, him and his minions, along with the Chief of Police (what a team) go over to a bar off 40 highway. Check them out. Such top officials working for the people.
You asked why Cathy Schutte doesn't want Bonnaye Sims as an election judge? It's for the same reason she doesn't want Ms. Sims on the city council. Cathy Schutte is a red-neck conservative who she hates black people. Ask Schutte sometime why she doesn't want Ms. Sims on the city council. Schutte will tell you she doesn't want "them" on the Board.
Oh here we go. We knew *that* was coming.
And we don't see any evidence of racism here. Unless you have bona fide evidence that any perceived mistreatment is SPECIFICALLY based on racism, just cut it.
If you haven't figured it out yet, at times you're dealing with routine, 24K garden variety cruelness in this town, which runs deep.
You're dealing with BOZOS, not racists.
That being said, we've reviewed the onslaught of anonymous personal recommendations in a mere hour or so for Ms. Mims. We certainly wouldn't be adverse to a "Mayor Mims", as we have enjoyed some of her remarks.
This forum would be a great place for her to advance and discuss any ideas she might have which might turn this city around.
That’s why they voted to put it on the ballot so TGE PEOPLE OF RAYTOWN could have their say, not some groups out of another city
“Unhinged” was never formed by the Mayor
So let me get this straight....personal attacks on here are OK if you don't like the person being attacked, but aren't ok if you do like the person?
"...him and his minions, along with the Chief of Police (what a team) go over to a bar off 40 highway..."
WHAT? And yet we haven't been INVITED?! We need to crash this soiree! Date, time and location next time please! Will there be karaoke? Can we expect Suz? Save us a place. TIA!
I only advance the following because I have reached my limit on the vicious and negative post election antics of City Hall and their minions.
Would someone please get a copy of Raytown's financial report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
If the fiduciary lied in this report it is felony punishable by incarceration.
You truly will not know what the state of Raytown is until you get the SEC report that Raytown is legally required to submit.
If you file a Freedom of Information request I bet City Hall will get real sober and maybe stop bad mouthing honorable taxpaying citizens and intimidating the electorate.
Or they will defecate in their pants in fear that you will learn the embellished truth and/or lies they may have told the federal government and bond holders.
The City's bond rating is its Achilles heal.
If City Hall wants to keep this nonsense going then it might be time to use the nuclear option.
"“Unhinged” was never formed by the Mayor"
Thanks, Mikey!
Someone wrote a post wondering it upgrades to the site could be done that would make finding recent comments without having to wade through the hundreds of comments posted.
Unfortunately, we have not found a solution to the problem. Blogger is free ware and it does have its limitations.
However, we have found a way to view the most recent posts. Simply "click" on the Post a Comment link. The page will take you to the comment box. The posts are in chronological order from that point going backwards.
It is not a complete solution, but a better one than scrolling through comments you may have already read.
@4:34 PM
Those who tried to con the voters into giving the City a slush fund deserve criticism.
Those who tried to stop Three obscene NEW taxes do not deserve criticism.
Ya might wanna go stick your head back in Raytown Unhinged to soothe your sensitivity to bad things being said about bad people who are using their power to punish freedom of political expression.
The Raytown Elitist condemnation of the real people in town begats righteous indignation and yeah critical comments about them on this blog.
You know what to do if this blog is causing you any heartburn.
Mims for Mayor?
So we can what hear the Mayor’s Report on all the events she attended (non of which were in Raytown) again. No Thanks!
A question for 4:34 PM Aug 19.
Did the Mayor or BOA ever give notice and have a public forum in each ward to present the three NEW tax proposals, give public information and get public comment?
The answer is self evident really. But it gives one perspective on the motive of bloggers in here to slam the Mayor, BOA and a host of special interest Protaxateers to include the Chamber, Raytown Unhinged, Schutte, So Called Citizens for Progress, the well maligned vicious vorbeck and the most putrid of all the Yeats quoting sycophant.
In the aftermath of the August 7 massacre it might have helped to be fully informed by the citizenry and would certainly have prompted a decision for a wise and prudent BOA to not seek three NEW taxes at once had such forums in each ward been held.
I trust you can grasp this logic and tone your sarcasm about the proper condemnation in this blog of the aforementioned Cap'n McDonough and his ship of fools seeking to loot even more tax dollars.
While it is not possible to do a subject search, anyone may do a keyword search by hovering the mouse over the Blogger comment box and pressing CTRL+F together. Another box will appear somewhere. Enter a word such as a name or topic such as "Greg" or "park" keeping the term as short as possible and then click the up or down arrow with the mouse. This will take you to where that name or word appears. Simply continue clicking the arrow until you have reached every time that name or word appears. Obviously if you want to go to a much earlier post, you will have to open the Blogger comment box from earlier blog posts.
Andy Whiteman
Are other towns as wildly fixated on Walmart, the activities of police, quality of fast food and Facebook keyboard warriors as we seem to be? It seems that we have half a dozen Facebook pages that do nothing more than divide us? What business or family would possibly want to be here after spending just a few minutes reading the horrid comments???
The mayor may not have founded Raytown Unhinged but he sure gives them a lot of pats on their backs. Thank you Alderman Van Buskirk for saying what most citizens are thinking, and leading by example by not holding a grudge against what's his name?
Signed GJ
There was a shooting at Family Dollar today and the police got there quick. I saw two different gray suv’s, I assume commanders of some sort, helping to arrest the people in the white car. I overheard one of the officers saying that he had to go back to Walmart, so I can only assume that he was working off duty there. He was in a marked car. I’ve heard all the back and forth on taking cars to Walmart, but never saw the benefit to us in a real life situation until now. The meager amount of cost to drive 2 miles to and from Walmart is worth it my book.
"Mims for Mayor? So we can what hear the Mayor’s Report on all the events she attended (non of which were in Raytown) again. No Thanks!"
Hmm. That just might be the least of our worries.
Let's recruit a non-politician instead.
"Thank you Alderman Van Buskirk for saying what most citizens are thinking, and leading by example by not holding a grudge..."
VANBUSKIRK for Mayor! There's ur "nomination".
City really could use a straight shooter that buckles down, snarls back at all this pointless "drama" and doesn't give a toss about upsetting anyone's delicate little balance.
Fiexated on Walmart? I don't think so. The comments I have read on blog have to do with what may be dumbest economic plan ever devised by a city to encourage growth.The Walmart deal has actually stunted Raytwown's growth! Why the city gives free use of valuable equipment (car, etc.) to one of America's richest corporations is beyond me. It certainly does not pass the smell test.
As for Mayor. Anyone but Mike McDonough. He has brought nothing but division to Raytown. His association with Facebook as a political machine has met with disaster. His rants on Facebook chastising Raytown voters for not seeing things his way demonstrates an unwillingness to listen to others. The games he and others are playing by funneling money around the city council through donations to VIPS is legally questionable. It makes a farce of any checks and balances at City Hall.
A lot of people have called for audit of city hall. I used to wonder why. Now I know why.
As for Mayor. Anyone but Mike McDonough. He has brought nothing but division to Raytown. His association with Facebook as a political machine has met with disaster.
I think that it's this McDonough's association with the owner of ONE of the Facebook groups that has been his undoing. The woman's MOUTH alone should be cause for general avoidance, especially when one is a public official.
He rewarded her with a proclamation. When she didn't have time to attend a city council meeting, he directed someone else to read her statement. (A city employee?)
Have other Raytown-specific Facebook pages been awarded with his "plaque"? Is it possible for a member of city staff to read my comments at council of I'm unable to attend? I think not.
Other citizens have alleged that this Mayor and Facebook leader have met for drinks. While I'm on the fence about this as I believe in freedom of assembly and am not alleging any sort of impropriety, do they not realize (or care) what this looks like?
As I see it, these behaviors are indicative of poor judgement or at the minimum a lack of impulse control.
Perhaps Raytown needs to formulate (or revise, if such a thing already exists) a more stringent code of conduct for their elected officials.
Apparently there are select individuals out there that to have "the basics" spelled out for them.
You mean 4-Minute Bill Vanbuskirk for Mayor. The same guy who wanted to decrease the amount of time from 5 minutes to 4 minutes for the citizens wishing to speak to the council during public comments. Yea now there’s a guy of the people for the people. No Thanks!
@4;26 PM August 20. I hope you are referring to the "horrid" comments on Raytown Unhinged.
If you are referring to the comments here by not recognizing the comments here are in response to a City government that tries to sell Three NEW taxes at once, mismanages tax dollars and then uses social media to intimidate voters who voted their conscience; then possibly you too don't need to be here.
Who in their right mind would want to move to Raytown with this backdrop of failed leadership, thirst for taxes, subsidies for rich out of town corporations and a group of sell out citizens sitting in the lap of either corrupt or inept elected city officials cheering them on.
Your attempt to impune comments in this blog is not appreciated by this blogger.
I do of two businesses that have decided to not move to Raytown and at least one business that is leaving. And it has nothing to do with the comments on this blog but the with the way City Hall is acting and the intimidation of taxpayers.
I hope this sets the record of horrid straight.
If the people on this blog do not see the financial problems with this city, from sewers, to roads etc, then this city will die a slow death. But hey, enjoy it until some other city takes you over.
Things are so bad with the City they have to invent awards for the EMS Director. Tonight the City figured out a way to have the VFW give him an award for literally following Federal Law. An employer does not have a choice, they must provide leave for Reservists and National Guard members. Yet we wasted 15 minutes tonight listening to a presentation about how EMS follows the law. What’s next an award for following FLSA and paying people for overtine?
The city had nothing to do with that. The employee, who is the reservist, put Ms LeSage in for that award for all the help she gave to her while she was working there. So the city had nothing to do with it. So complain about real things, not fake things.
McDonough, Mims, corruption, van Buskirk, audit, taxes, Walmart, blah blah blah. Wake me when someone has something new and meaningful to say.
What do Donald Trump and Tony Jacob both have in common you ask? Yesterday they both got a swift kick to the backside and probably one more to the front side for good measure.
Raytown Citizen’s,
Unfortunately I have to publicly address a comment that was made by Tony Jacob during his public comments at the BOA meeting on Tuesday evening. Mr. Jacob felt it appropriate to dishonor the late Alderman Steve Mock in his comments regarding the “expense” the City went to in the dedication plaque of the recently completed 83rd st bridge in which the bridge was named in Steve Mock’s honor. Mr. Jacob you owe the family and the community an apology for your shameless comments. Alderman Mock’s footprints and long standing results of community service are scattered throughout Raytown. For you to attempt to use a small token of appreciation for that mans service and dedication was one of the most shameful acts of selfishness I have witnessed in a very long time.
Steve Meyers,
Alderman Ward 4
"If the people on this blog do not see the financial problems with this city...then this city will die a slow death... "
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? A significant number of residents will tell you that this City has been dying "a slow death" for YEARS!
It's not all our fault or the "politicians" (such as they are, anyway). Land-locked town, lack of investment, financial mismanagement and demographics are key factors.
It's not like we're thrilled about the streets or the police department at the moment either. But handing this current bunch of yayhoos an endless pile of cash to squander will accomplish nothing but ultimately speed our demise.
We're going to continue to vigorously assert that we will not permit history to repeat itself.
- Identify and remove select yayhoos from office.
- Replace yayhoos with business-minded, COMPETENT, ACCOUNTABLE people that know their place.
- Present an acceptable, substantive, workable plan to the voters.
Anticipate a "yes" vote from us at that time.
And stop mindlessly whining about "revenue" until those mind-bendingly BASIC conditions are complied with.
We're new to the area, but watched last nights meeting. Who is the fella that was supposed to give a committee report and gave a high school sports roundup instead???
@10:31 AM Absolutely Brilliant.
The Mayor and BOA would do extremely well if they could understand your post and embrace your points.
Oh... and maybe the BOA will not offer any more budget crippling subsidies to rich out of town developers and businesses.
I see the haters and bullies are out in force tonight. They are probably part of that same tribe that was seen sharpening its sticks and lighting fires because they did not get their way on the election.
But I do see the Raytown Board of Aldermen are taking the business as usual path.
They voted to raise our sewer taxes last Tuesday by 10%. And, they are scheming to find a way to raise property taxes.
Apparently six years ago in 2012 the city did not increase the property taxes in Raytown. So now they want to go back and increase the taxes because they were not increased in 2012!
I hope some of those elected to represent us are reading this, because I want them to be on notice we are watching. Did you not understand the message from the landslide defeats of the three taxes on August 7th? If you raise our taxes after being told very clearly NO then look for us to remember you next April. How does that old saying go? "Paybacks are Hell".
"Did you not understand the message from the landslide defeats of the three taxes on August 7th?"
Of COURSE not! They don't learn. They don't listen.
Almost can't wait to see what they'll try next.
Full speed ahead, ya dilweeds!
We'll just cut them off at the pass. Again. And again after that...
Apparently some of you cannot comprehend that the cost of some things, utilities, and sewage processing costs increase, so that is why there are increases to your rates on your bills. And for those that are on Social Security there is such a thing as Cost of Living Adjustment, or COLA for short. That may not keep up with the cost of living or inflation, but if Social Security is your only source of income be it retirement or otherwise, here is a news flash! Social Security was never meant to be used as a sole source for retirement income.
For those that are not retired or disabled, perhaps everyone should get on board with supporting legislators and legislation requiring a living wage to be paid to those working so they might finally be able to have a little bit of extra income to try to get ahead instead of being part of the working poor class that has to look for public assistance just to get by. Strive to better ones self instead of trying to bring everyone elses wages and benefits down.
Well thank you 8:24 for the lesson on retirement income and COLA's that have been nonexistent for
years. Also I am so glad that you feel that you are intelligent enough to lecture the less fortunate on
how to get by in this modern world.
Here you go 10:09pm. Don't know where you guys or gals get your information but COLA's do exist if you pay attention. Here is a link, educate yourself and don't be bitter: , and yes, I am fortunate enough to have done better for myself in life and would like for others to be able to do the same, so that is why I shared the information in the first place. Help break the cycle, be pro active.
"Well thank you 8:24 for the lesson on retirement income and COLA's that have been nonexistent for years. Also I am so glad that you feel that you are intelligent enough to lecture the less fortunate on how to get by in this modern world."
Aw, c'mon now! While I agree with your comments wholeheartedly, August 23, 2018 at 8:24 AM may have recently stepped into the civic milieu and merely seeks to expand the horizons of others with all their learnin'! (Or they finally woke up after 30 years and read a book.) Regardless, their comments were indeed deserving of a minor slapdown, IMHO.
Never fret, August 23, 2018 at 8:24 AM. We'll show you the way.
"For those that are not retired or disabled, perhaps everyone should get on board with supporting legislators and legislation requiring a living wage to be paid to those working so they might finally be able to have a little bit of extra income..."
Are you kidding me? No one in fast food (for instance) should be making $15-$18 an hour.
(Especially at a few of our local FF places. Yikes.)
There is ALWAYS a way to make your way. Life is terribly rough and there is no easy way out of anything. It's trial and error all the way...whether you're 16 or 60.
Everything is peaks and valleys. We've always had to adapt to survive. And if that means summoning forth the "crazy" to return to self-sufficiency, so be it. You. Just. Work. Smarter. Harder. And more efficiently. Period.
No "legislator" is going to bestow a "living wage" upon us.
What we're NOT going to tolerate anymore however is having to pay out the nose for Raytown's poor decisions, thereby risking even further the financial futures of those citizens that ARE on the edge.
We demand to shareholders in all City decisions from here on out to prevent any and all future misallocation and waste of taxpayer funds.
"Someone" needs to buck it up alright....but it ISN'T the citizens.
In response to Steve Meyers;
The plaque would have been very nice if it truly was a dedication; however, more than half of it isn't in reference to him at all, although the Mayor's name is bolded and near center. The other Aldermen are listed as well. To me, perhaps half the plaque could stay on the bridge and the other could be used to fix a pothole.
Only a fool wouldn't be able to see the Mayor is in it for his own glory. His report list his daily schedule, a waste of everyone's time, and notice how not one thing he mentions is on helping move the city forward, just which group he pandered to the previous week.
I hope you will join me and the residents of this great town in seeing the State Audit come to fruition! Let's rebuild trust, and break down barriers.
Well, we finally got to the root of all of Tony Jacob's problems. He's jealous of the mayor. The mayor gets all the attention, and people like him. Tony, on the other hand, gets only the attention he creates for himself, and that is mostly negative. People don't like Tony. They don't like his pettiness, his negativity, or his habit of trying to make something simple seem difficult and complicated. Maybe now that we've identified Tony's problem, he can start getting help to resolve them.
BINGO. The Board needs to stop burning the clock with reports about chili suppers, non-city fundraisers and the often uncomfortable banter about who's high school is better at the sport du jour.
Steve Mock was a very nice man who had Raytown's best interest at heart. He deserves a plaque on the bridge, but with his name only. It's sad to see at least one elected official frequently mention Mock's name in an attempt to be viewed in the same light. Ironically, Mock thought the individual was a bit of blowhard.
Come on everyone, live within your means and prioritize without needless rabbit trails and grandstanding. If the board was evaluating the purchase of a flashlight, we'd be subject to seeing them argue for an hour about battery sizes, colors and how to hold a flashlight.
"The mayor gets all the attention, and people like him..."
Nope. Overbroad. YOUR opinion.
Suggested revision: "The mayor wants all the attention."
Suggested revision: "Not everyone likes him.'
Our observations. Our OPINIONS.
This blog sounds like a bunch of TEA Partiers... no wonder Raytown is going down the tubes. It is not who is in office who is to blame, at least we know who is really holding this city back. It is all the ones who wanted to take this country back, where is back anyway? Back to dirt roads and lack of basic services?
oh peter, how art thou mistaken. i don't seek attention, and i wouldn't agree to have my name emblazoned on a memorial to another. It doesnt bother me if people dont like me, people often dont like whats different. what's important to me is what is right. it isn't right to be self serving. good try though!
@Paul Weber. You disrespect a true informed and aware citizen. Tony Jacobs is a hero for the people. You sir need the help. You can't get more negative than trying to foist three NEW taxes on the citizens of Raytown.
You need to go back to Raytown Unhinged. They might buy your tripe there.
A lot of people like Tony and applaud his efforts to bring some sunshine into Raytown government.
You sir owe Tony an apology.
I bought several dozen of them delicious Doughboy donuts today and lemme tell ya business was booming. Oddly enough this means more sales tax income for Raytown to waste.
So much for Paul Weber style negativity and the vile Protaxateers at the UN FB.
Raytown government and their cronies are proving they are slow learners. This too will cost them in the long run. Ignoring the will of the people and lashing out at the loyal opposition will naturally have adverse consequences for Raytown down the road.
I am really beginning to wonder if Raytown leaders truly know not that they know not.
Tony needs a pet or a girlfriend.
That bridge sign.
Let's examine who owes an apology to whom, shall we?
Unfortunately, we need to "publicly address" a comment that was made by an alderman on a blog this week:
"Alderman Mock’s footprints and long standing results of community service are scattered throughout of the most shameful acts of selfishness I have witnessed in a very long time."
Not so fast, Mr. Alderman. We're nonplussed about your outrage. Don't get your Pollyanna pants all in a rumple.
The first item on the sign that drew our attention was the rather disturbing name size and placement. An inordinate amount of space was wasted listing the names of the aldermen. Predictably "straddled" atop those names was the name of this "mayor", with "Mayor..." centered and in a larger font, spaced further apart from the names of the aldermen.
Tony Jacobs: "The plaque would have been very nice if it truly was a dedication; however, more than half of it isn't in reference to him at all, although the Mayor's name is bolded and near center. The other Aldermen are listed as well. To me, perhaps half the plaque could stay on the bridge and the other could be used to fix a pothole."
A quote from or a memory of Mr. Mock should have been inscribed into the sign instead.
And we don't recall that the citizens of Mr. Mock's ward were consulted prior to the design of this plaque. Were they?
Our remarks could be attributed to being "anti-mayor", "anti-this", "anti-that"...or being merely a sartorial interpretation. We assure you that it's the latter. And that we're not the only citizens that were disappointed.
The plaque demonstrates a marked lack of creativity, and more concerningly, it evidences something far more odious.
The sign was a poignant, missed opportunity to be inclusive of the community, which is becoming more evident with each action of this "mayor" and many of the aldermen.
Why do you guys pick on Tony so much? He is not your whipping boy. Stop it. Your crass bullying behavior is tiresome. Where on earth do you get off calling Michael McDonough popular? The last election results pretty much scream out the exact opposite. I think Michael fooled a lot of people when he ran before. His cutting comments and aggressive behavior toward political opponents do not speak of leadership.
Lighten up Steve. Anyone with a junior high school education can see the game you are playing. You use more words ripping into Tony than you do in praising Steve Mock. Keep in mind Tony did not even bring up Mr. Mock's name. I have not seen the plaque. I do hope you put it up high where the scrappers cannot get to it. I noticed the other day that one of the monument stands up at city hall's front doors is missing its plaque. I want to think it is out being repaired but I have a feeling someone else took it for other reasons. I thought they had cameras at city hall to keep stuff like that from happening.
Anonymous said...
Tony needs a pet or a girlfriend.
August 24, 2018 at 11:00 PM
My question to Anonymous - would he know the difference?
"Where on earth do you get off calling Michael McDonough popular? The last election results pretty much scream out the exact opposite...His cutting comments and aggressive behavior toward political opponents do not speak of leadership."
If McDonough "loves" Raytown as much as he claims and if he has so much as a modicum of self-awareness, we would hope that he will choose to not run for another term in office, or preferably, resign immediately.
We tire of the sideshows.
"Tony needs a pet or a girlfriend...would he know the difference?"
Quiet down, plant !ife. You're a waste of space.
Tony, have you actually ever had your IQ tested? I have no doubt whatsoever, sincerely, that your "number" approaches or exceeds 150.
Thank you for your contributions and for your continued effort, young man.
".....i don't seek attention, and i wouldn't agree to have my name emblazoned on a memorial to another.....what's important to me is what is right. it isn't right to be self serving…......"
^^^^ This right here. ^^^^
The plaque issue is a contrived partisan argument. Move on people! The more attention given to TJ good or bad, the more he likes it. Let’s stop with the insults and misplaced accolades and let him return to the dustbin of irrelevance. Ignore his squeaks and squawks regarding plaques, pre-approved levy ceilings, and sewer fees which have rate stabilization already built in. It is time for Raytown to move forward and it’s time to recognize that some in our community do not understand how government works and have been caught numerous times making inaccurate statements about what our City government is empowered to do.
Mike McDonough possesses nothing to be jealous of. You guys are just mad at Tony because he has the guts you guys should have and don't. He is telling people what is really going on at the PD and it is making you look bad. Get a grip move and do your job.
"Why do you guys pick on Tony so much?"
I'm fairly certain, based on the comments in one of the "Un-" groups. (not "Unhinged for a change) that it's the work of only one entity.
She should redirect her attention away from relentlessly dogging Tony and instead focus on repaying her brand spanking new mechanic's lien as well as concentrate on not being continually evicted.
Seriously, find someTHING else to obsess about.
It's getting old for ALL of us, B. A total waste of bandwidth across FB and the blogs....
BIG CONGRATS to Coach Minnick and thevRaytown Bluejay football team for their huge opening season win against perinnial powerhouse Blue Springs South in a thrilling 41-34 last second win. Great to see Chitwood Stadium full and rockin!!!!
So you think Tony has an IQ at 150 or higher. Yeah, him and Donald Trump. They both have the highest IQ of anyone else. Nobody has ever seen an IQ as high as that. What a crock - both of them.
The mayor SHOULD be a cheerleader for the city. KC's mayor Sly James attends events all the time. The governor attends ribbon cuttings when a company brings a lot of jobs into the state. That's what they're supposed to do!!
Some of you complain about the Un-folks on FB. Laughable.
This blog provides "entertainment" (if you want to call it that) as well!
"So you think Tony has an IQ at 150 or higher..."
Another non-particpant, non-contributor, non-entity chimes in, ladies and gentlemen!
Do you have anything constructive to add?
Except tony knows little to nothing about the Pd. Never worked there but acts like he knows all. Heard he was supposedly married to a child of an officer for a very short time. So therefore knows nothing about how to be a police officer or run a police department. He’s grasping for straws.
Thank God for Tony Jacobs and his effort to get the truth out about our dysfunctional police department.
"Thia blog provides "entertainment" (if you want to call it that) as well!"
And once AGAIN!
"Another non-participant, non-contributor, non-entity chimes in, ladies and gentlemen!
Do you have anything constructive to add?"
The people that "stop by" with their snarky little one-liners really crack me up.
”The mayor SHOULD be a cheerleader for the city. "
HUH? Who has ever stated here that this "mayor" SHOULDN'T be a "cheerleader for the city?"
This "mayor" is definitely out and about! The guy enjoys attention.
Our PROBLEM with him however is that he hasn't produced anything substantive since he was elected. He's divisive and has created some bad feelings, in my opinion.
For the record, I support the comment that suggested talk less about me. We would all be better if we focused less on ad hominem of people and more on solutions.
As for my knowledge of how to run a PD... there are 2 responses. One need not understand the intricacies of a dialysis machine to know that it isnt used properly by placing the tubes through the ears. Much the same way, i dont have to have 2 decades of experience to say mishandling money and causing morale deficits are a bad thing.
Secondly, i have far more experience in most areas that i let on. i am a polymath, and yes i have taken official IQ test, I am in the top 2%, i dont make a big deal about it as others do.
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